March 8th, 2022
Here’s the beginnings of a Breakdancing/Bboy character I’ve been playing with! I’ve been learning Cinema 4d and Blender the past few months, trying to figure out which program works best for me. I’m simultaneously working on sharpening my skills in After Effects, just to prepare my brain for the transition into 3D animation. I honestly don’t know when this project, amongst a few other ideas, is going to be finished. I had a timeline…but now I’m just focusing on having fun, as all creative pursuits should be! so here’s a few photos of my process 💚


March 22nd, 2022
Update!! WHO KNEW Cinema 4D was THAT expensive?? NOT I. Blender it is until further notice LOL
I’ve been following the infamous Donut modeling tutorial by Blender Guru on YouTube. So far, I’ve been stuck on Part 4 of the 17 part tutorial for the past 3 days. It’s infuriating to the point where I just gotta laugh it out!! Don’t get me wrong, it’s super fun though. Stay tuned!!


Donut Reference


May 2n, 2022
I FINISHED. I completed the infamous 17 part Donut Tutorial by Blender Guru on YouTube. It was so much fun (and traumatic). I struggled deeply with the UV unwrapping and understanding the depth that is Geometry Nodes, but I’m so happy and proud of myself. I enjoy things that humble me. Nothing is more humbling than tackling new things you *think* are out of your league. Nothing should be off limits - I believe in being well-balanced. Knowledge is fun, & consistently collecting it in order to break down ideas about yourself, that may or may not be true, in the pursuit of self discovery & purpose is so important. This may be a bit deep for a project about a Donut, but of course this 3D journey truly is a lot more than that.